Rick Rogow Rick Rogow

Elder Care Mediation

Sn elder care mediator meets with adult siblings and, if able, the parent(s), to sort out unresolved issues relating to on-going care for Mom or Dad. The mediator's job is to defuse the situation and keep the group focused on their common goal: the welfare of the parent.

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Rick Rogow Rick Rogow

Family Law Mediation

Family mediation is a structured conflict resolution process where a mediator helps two disputing parties find an agreeable solution. It is a faster, less expensive, and less stressful process than litigation.

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Rick Rogow Rick Rogow

Artificial intelligence in dispute resolution

What does the term ​artificial intelligence​ (AI) refer to? How does it relate to machine learning? How are these developments used in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? And, where is it going?

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