Elder Care Mediation

In this fast-growing field, a trained, conflict-resolution professional— an elder care mediator— meets with adult siblings and, if able, the parent(s), to sort out unresolved issues relating to on-going care for Mom or Dad. The mediator's job is to defuse the situation and keep the group focused on their common goal: the welfare of the parent.

Rather than going to court, where a judge calls the shots, family decisions and agreements in mediation are made by consensus, discussions are confidential. It’s also cheaper than litigation: $150 to $250 per hour for several hours of a mediator's time, more when joined by another professional such as an elder law attorney. 

Doing nothing and letting problems fester— can carry a much heavier price tag of wasted time and resources, ruptured relationships and a disheartened, declining parent. When a family delays these decisions until an acute event, the legal system, guardians and warrior attorneys will then be the decision makers.


Family Law Mediation